Passionate About Inspiring Others

Viktória KOCSIS , PhD.
Mindfulness and yoga instructor, economic consultant, researcher
During our lives we are constantly in relation to our environment, to the others. Therefore, it is particularly relevant how we approach others and what the effects are of our interactions. It is essential to key people to understand and fine tune the quality of these relationships.
When I was an economic consultant for 15 years, I experienced how much physical and mental energy the excessive stress, work-related conflicts, or the constant change in our environment require from us. Two decades of yoga and meditation practice and teaching – underlined by Western scientific research – have proven that these systems and practices are effective in achieving a productive yet calm state of mind, increasing creativity, problem solving, decision making, or developing resilience. Everybody can achieve these qualities and capacities by simple, tailor-made tools – my primary goal is to help people find them.
I graduated as an economist at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Already during my studies, I started teaching economics and teaching became my passion. I gave lectures at the Corvinus Uni and in other business schools for 10 years.
In 2003, I moved to Amsterdam. After completing my PhD in Economics, for 10 year I gave economic advice in the Dutch public sector and to large international companies. During these years, I have co-authored more than dozen scientific publications.
Since 2005, I have been teaching yoga. After moving back to Budapest, I have established my yoga studio, Yogayoga Budapest, in 2017. Since 2010, I have been teaching corporate yoga. Since 2017, I have also led several mindfulness trainings.
FREESTYLE Consulting Szervezetfejlesztő Kft, senior consultant, cooperating partner
YOGAYOGA BUDAPEST, owner, senior yoga and mindfulness instructor
SEO AMSTERDAM ECONOMICS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, economic consultant
CPB NETHERLANDS BUREAU FOR ECONOMICS POLICY ANALYSIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, economic researcher and consultant
Mindfulness and yoga retreats and workshops of internationally acknowledged teachers (Donna Farhi, Giovanni Felicioni, Dr. Khammai Dhammasami, Sayalay Anuttara)
Somatic Yoga Certificate, Yogayoga, Amsterdam
Iyengar Yoga Certificate, BKS I Yoga Institute, Amsterdam
Ph.D in Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest
MSc, MPhil in Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest