Passionate About Inspiring Others

Economist, organizational development consultant, coach
The secret to outstanding performance and satisfaction - both at work and in private life - is the deep-rooted human need for us to control our own destiny, learn and create new things, and make our own lives and our world better.
I would sum it up as follows: DEVELOP FREE. This is the direction that best characterizes my operation. I believe that I can only progress in my work if I enjoy what I do, if I are excited, if I am always curious about the person, the team, the organization I am working with. The degree of freedom of this is very high, it brings in energy and often faces new, surprising things. I like it. This will upload. It touches.
Sensitivity. Attention. Courage. Consciousness. Intuition. Patience. Empathy. Control. Point of view.
They also drive forward in coaching, team coaching and organizational development processes. With 15 years of senior management background at WPP International Communications Company and more than 5 years of coaching and organizational development consulting experience, I consider it my primary task to be able to lead managers, teams and organizations in various unique situations, to develop freely and in that direction. where they can be fulfilled, they can be successful, they can be better. My commitment is shown by more than 500 coaching hours and more than 50 team coaching days behind me.
Between 2014-2020, I completed several organizational development trainings: Coach Academy (Neosys), Team Coaching Training (Neosys), András Boros 1-year Self-Knowledge Group.
FREESTYLE Consulting Szervezetfejlesztő Kft, founder, OD consultant, coach
NEOSYS Szervezetfejlesztő Kft, OD consultant, coach
WPP – Team RED: Managing Director of Vodafone's Strategic and Creative Lead Communications Agency
Freelancer: communication, catering projects, 40-part documentary project
WPP – TEAM advertising agency: managing partner, owner
WPP – Young & Rubicam advertising agency: customer relationship manager, director
Price Waterhouse (ma PWC) Kft, auditor, consultant.
Qualifications, trainings:
KVF – commercial plant manager, marketing department
BGF-KKK – economist, majoring in international communication
1995 -1996
Y&R training courses in advertising (New York, London, Berlin)